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The big question for every developer and architect software implemented in PHP would be: what CASE tools available to me, is there any free ... and these I generate PHP code? and PHP 5 if you ask too much??
For I will list those to over the years I have been able to test:
generation code for PHP 5: Intermediate
*** Use a method of "templates", in which one can even modify the code generated. Aggregation and composition detects and automatically generates the attribute in the "client class"
- only runs on Windows
- The code generated "Chance" (over-written) code generated earlier.
- The creation of classes are created without taking into account the package location.
- You can create ER diagrams but ultimately generates nothing of SQL.
- No reverse engineering has to PHP. ArgoUML
ArgoUML is one of those jewels made free perfect fit for JAVA, fortunately in recent years has taken into account in PHP and object-oriented capabilities and we have this great tool for PHP. Ahh !!... Certainly this is the use.
generation code for PHP 5: Excellent *** **
Has the ability to generate code for PHP 5 and further develop in parallel (not chanca code), has some comment tags to prevent overwriting of methods. Code generation is done using the technique of long names classes: presentacion_UCCcontrollers_gestionarPrestamo.php
While we're on the doorstep of the namespaces in PHP 5.3 and PHP 6, it is still the only "simple" of belonging to a class a package.
>> runs on Linux and Windows <<
- It is very heavy and requires a lot of main memory.
- still using UML 1.4, the interface is not as Agadir and features icons to recognize stereotypes. (Identify a problem controlling my classes with data).
- Despite improvements in the latest version, I still believe that their "usability" is not the best.
- No Reverse Engineering available for PHP (if the draw would be a GOL)
- does not detect the composition. It is not a handicap but gives you more work to create attributes.
BoUML was a surprise after it has been tested recently (and have done 2 years ago I see your progress), now has full support for PHP 5 and is directed to the developer. Intended, forces you to use the methodology RUP, for example you can not create a class diagram in a "Use Case View" where you only need to create use cases. It is lightweight, uses UML 2.0 and has icons for stereotypes. Interesting:)
generation code to PHP 5: Excellent *** **
has the ability to generate code for PHP 5 and also continue to develop in parallel (no code chanca) generator has a getter and setter methods (that is the best, saving me a lot of work) and also will generate PHP5 code in methods.
comes with an application for collaborative project management and change management in the diagrams we create. (Outstanding contribution)
have a choice of reverse engineering to PHP 5. Very good. (This makes this program for free only for now)
detects the association of composition, creating a class attribute on the client.
- The code does not yet have a technique to provide ownership of a class to a package, but maybe there is a trick (which I have not changed) technique to generate with "long names" class.
- Do not have a generator to SQL data model.
- Other disadvantage is that although you can set the style phpDocumentor documentation returnValue not detected or parameters of a method to generate in the commentary. It is possible manually type them but it would be very laborious
Then there other tools: Umbrella ( **) (the interface is basic and code generation as well) and of course the Rational Rose ( ** ) ... we can say that is the best in RUP and UML ... BUT ....
to generate code PHP4Rose only know PHP: PHP code generated only 4 and is lousy.
* Applications such as Rational Rose for PHP is discarded (without analyzing the cost of licenses).
* ArgoUML is good but it takes training and lots of RAM in your PC. * No tools
Case proposes even namespaces PHP 5.3 or PHP 6 and that which is right around the corner.
* Although still use ArgoUML, I will work to further investigate the bouml that is too interesting. When bouml have the option to change the "format of a class name (or tell me how) and has the generation of a data model (SQL) will be compared to the CASE tool for PHP.
Even for my projects continue using ArgoUML and in my spare time to further investigate boUML.
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